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(Created page with "Please check on DMIS manual for the full list of the Intrinsic Functions. The major list of the functions are: ::<code>ABS(X)</code><code><span style="color: green; text-...")
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::<code>STR(X)</code><code><span style="color: green; text-decoration: none;">$$convert a number in a string</span><br/></code>
::<code>STR(X)</code><code><span style="color: green; text-decoration: none;">$$convert a number in a string</span><br/></code>
::<code>VAL(X)</code><code><span style="color: green; text-decoration: none;">$$convert a string in number</span><br/></code>
::<code>VAL(X)</code><code><span style="color: green; text-decoration: none;">$$convert a string in number</span><br/></code>

Revision as of 15:16, 4 August 2016

Please check on DMIS manual for the full list of the Intrinsic Functions. The major list of the functions are:

ABS(X)$$absolute value
ATAN2(Y,X)$$arctangent of y/x, the sign of y and x determinate the quadrant
DTOR(X)$$convert degrees to radians
RTOD(X)$$convert radians to degrees
INT(X)$$return an integer
MN(val1, val2, …)$$obtain the smallest value of a list of values
MX(val1, val2, …)$$obtain the biggest value of a list of values
NINT(X)$$return an integer rounding the nearest value
LEN(str1)$$length of a string
INDX(str1,str2)$$location of a substring in a string
SDATE()$$return the date ‘yyyy/mm/dd’
STIME()$$return the date ‘hh:mm:ss’
COS(X)$$Real or Double (argument in radians)
SIN(X)$$Real or Double (argument in radians)
TAN(X)$$Real or Double (argument in radians)
SQRT(X)$$quare root
STR(X)$$convert a number in a string
VAL(X)$$convert a string in number