Variables declaration

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DECL/ command is used to declare new variable in ARCO. You must set the variable type, some specification and the name.

$$ Declaration of different variable types DECL/CHAR,80,TCDIRS DECL/INTGR,TCNSLT $$ It is possible to declare different variables of the same type in the same row DECL/DOUBLE,TCDIFX,TCDIFY,TCDIFZ $$ Declaration of an array of 10 char, called result. Each char has 80 characters. DECL/CHAR,80,RESULTS[10] $$ Declaration of an array of 10 x 5 char DECL/CHAR,80,RESULTS[10,5]

By means of the DECL command, you declare variables. DECL/INTGR,IND DECL/CHAR,80,RESULTS[10] DO/IND,1,10,1 RESULTS[IND]=ASSIGN/ ENDDO You can declare the following types of variables: BOOL CHAR INTGR REAL VECTOR LONG The variables can be: COMMON GLOBAL LOCAL