Custom Canned Cycles for Automatic Feature Measurement

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Revision as of 12:20, 17 May 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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From version 3.6 are present some "Non-Dmis" commands that allow to perform automatic measurement of features following a geometrical path instead being driven by regular PTMEAS/ commands.
The features whom those news cycles applies are:

  • Circle
  • Cylinder
  • Planes

Activating the cycles

The automatic cycles can be set and activated by the measuring panel.
Opening one of the available features, a new icon is present, and this will show a dialog to define the different cycles.

Circle and Cylinders

For circles and cylinders features are available the following new automatic cycles:

Cycle Name Description Image
Pattern Helical Full Example PatternHelicalFull.png
Pattern Helical Partial Example 400px
Pattern Section Full Example PatternSectionFull.png
Pattern Section Partial Example PatternSectionPartial.png
Pattern Section Optimized Example PatternSectionOptimized.png
Feature Bounded Section Full Example PatternBoundedSectionFull.png
Feature Bounded Section Partial Example PatternBoundedSectionPartial.png
Feature Bounded Section Optimized Example PatternBoundedSectionOptimized.png
Feature Bounded Helical Full Example PatternBoundedHelicalFull.png
Feature Bounded Helical Partial Example PatternBoundedHelicalPartial.png
